Who marries next in the agrobusiness?

What will happen next in the agrochemical business? Bayer offered 62 Billion Dollars (55 Billion Euros) for a take-over of Monsanto! Regarding the turn-over of Bayer Crop Science (BCS) of 10.4 Billion Dollars last year this offer reflects a resonable investment. Bayer shares dropped by 8% after publication of the intention.

Monsanto is a US company and mainly active in the seed business with transgenic cultivars, i.e. glyphosate resistant varieties of maize, soybean, cotton and others. To me it is not the most sophisticated and competitive company in the business. And the reputation and recognition especially in Europe is bad. I ask myself: why does BCS want to invest this amount of money to destroy it’s own reputation? People working in the field of the registration of agrochemicals in the EU know the issue with glyphosate.

Monsanto refused the offer from BCS. The rumors in the news go on: was this offer only a pressure for a stronger collaboration with BASF? Or is BASF without any seed business interested itself in Monsanto?

The pressure seems to be hard. However, why growth for every price? And it is only quantitaive growth, not qualitative. Do you remember the effort of Monsanto for the take-over of Syngenta? Syngenta was founded by the fusion of the agrochemical sections of Novartis and AstraZeneca. Could this be a model for Bayer and BASF?

The show must go on!

Synthetic life – new organism with 473 genes

Synthetic life – new organism with 473 genes

As published in Science on 24 March 2016, the team around Craigh Venter created a new organism named ‘JCVI-syn3.0’ which grows and reproduces with only 473 genes. This is the smallest genome of every living organism known so far, and this genome was built in a laboratory. It is not related to anything in nature.

It was very interesting to read that they know the functions of 324 genes, however do not understand the remaining 149 genes which are required for survival and reproduction. The goal is to define what it means to be considered alive.

The trend might be frightening, however also very promising for the future – and to me a breakthrough in genomic science. The organism might be a model for studies in gene expression, a basis for medicament development or engineering, we don’t know yet. For sure this is a milestone in molecular biology.

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